Friday 15 January 2021

Our December / January guest ...

Just a reminder our December / January challenge runs until the end of this month so you still have plenty of time in which to submit an entry.  Our winners for these combined months will be announced on15th February.

Please welcome our delightful guest designer, and new DT member Victoria King with her take on our colour and sketch.


I’m a Kiwi and have been living in Australia for 21 years. Apart from loving all things to do with craft, I am passionate about dancing tango and travel, and have tried to combine the 2 as often as possible and have managed to dance in many beautiful places. This however all came to a grinding halt in 2020. So for the last 10 months I have been diving through my stash and reliving my holidays by scrapping my photos. Using the challenges and cyber crops has really made me think outside the square and I have loved having the inspiration of the mood boards and sketches.

Thank you so much for guesting with us Victoria. It has been a a total pleasure.

Remember ...

You still have plenty of time until the end of the month to upload your own take on our challenge. All details are on the blog sidebar. We'd love to see what you can do with our colour this month.

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