Criteria - please use stencils and ink on your page.

A bit about me... I am a plain old Jane, really. 53, Mum to two amazing boys (well Men.. 29 and 24). Nainai to Two boys,7 and 5. With another due end of June. HAPPY days. Also Mum to 4 furbabies. Gus the Rottweiler. Storm the Staffy, Jaina and Beth the moggies. I live in Christchurch New Zealand.

I was introduced to this marvellous time and money wasting hobby 20 odd years ago by my BFF Sue. Totally by accident. I had popped round for a coffee and a chat and Sue and Katrina where elbow deep in paper. After asking what they where doing and watching, Sue asked if I wanted to try ... I WAS hooked. And have been dabbling ever since. I don't have a style. And I personally don't think I am any good. But it keeps me company.

 You can catch me on YOUTUBE.

Or Instagram, @Traceyspages. And I am in many Facebook groups.



Criteria - Please use lots of flowers on your page

I am a mother of 3 grown boys (33, 25 & 20) & 1 granddaughter aged 2.5 yrs. I have been scrapbooking for 25 years & do it to remember the important things in my life.



Criteria - Please use a black and white vintage photo

My inspiration was the picture with the curvy lines. My old map has curved lines and the quote I used is written in an arc. The photo was taken sometime around 1927.

An avid paper crafter for 20 years, scrapbooking and card making are my favorites. Having served on three different design teams over the years, I appreciate the community they built. I have 10 grandchildren who are often the subjects of my pages. I hope to leave future generations an accounting of their ancestors. Since retirement from teaching, I’m very involved in my community, my church and various groups of friends, all of which provide for many photo ops. (Great scrapping material!!) Other ways I keep busy are playing golf, sewing, reading, playing guitar and violin, and walking my rescue dog, Daisy.



My inspiration from the moodboard was PEACOCK FEATHERS, CAT AND PEBBLES.

Hi I’m Lisa,

I’m 54, from northern suburbs of Melbourne, I started scrapbooking about 25 years ago, starting with creative memories and have evolved into doing mixed media on LO’s and in an art journal. I’m not sure I have a certain  style I just do whatever I feel at the time. I stopped scrapbooking for about 3years due to mental health illness but picked it back up October 2022 with just doing challenges as that helped me with getting back into the swing of things. I have continued doing this with a few Facebook groups as well as ATC’s.

Thank you for having me showcase my work with being a guest designer it was an honour to be asked.

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