Friday 23 February 2018

Our February Guest ...

Please welcome our February guest designer,  Maria Jolly with her delightful take on our challenge this month.


Is it an activity, a hobby or an addiction?

Well for me it started about 12 years ago as a hobby to make an album for my daughters upcoming 21st and very quickly turned into an obsession.

I can no longer go into a shop like “The Warehouse” without “Checking Out” the craft section “Just in case” there may be something I NEED.

I can’t even go into the fishing shop with my Husband without eyeing up the tackle and imagining how I could use it on a page.

Scrapbooking has not only brought me a whole lot of satisfaction when the family bring their friends home and we sit all sit around laughing, looking through the albums, but I have gained the best bunch of Scrapping Sista’s along the way.

We have awesome weekends away at Scrapbooking Retreats and we have even booked a Scrapbooking Cruise for early next year.

Life feels contented.

I would say that MY STYLE is definitely Symmetrical.

I can’t bare anything to be off centre or angled or god forbid a miss matched colour.

But that is also why I enjoy Scrapbooking so much, because we are all so different and learn so much from each other.

It is a craft that will never die.

We are always taking Photographs and documenting our lives.

Never Give Up.

Smiles ...

Maria Jolly

My Blog address is

Thank you Maria, it has lovely having you join us.

Remember ....

You still have plenty of time until the end of the month to upload your own take on our SIZZLING PINK challenge.  All details are on the blog sidebar. We'd love to see what you can do with our colour this month.


Sophie said...

Gorgeous Layouts. I love your symmetry, and the clean elegance of your layouts.

Lisa J said...

Beautiful pages Maria.