
Wednesday 22 February 2017

Getting to know ...

Each month one of our team will either introduce themselves and their lovely work to you with a few questions and answers or alternatively inspire you with a little tutorial, tip or trick to help you in your scrapbooking pursuits.

This month we introduce  ...


Hi everyone,

Here's a quick peek into me and my scrapbooking.

How long have you been scrapbooking and what got you started?

This was such an easy question for me, my best friend, my scrap sister, Julieanne started me on this fabulous journey.  I retired in 2010 and was moping around my home not doing very much. In 2011 Julieanne asked me to go to a card making class at her home. After that class I decided I was not a fan of card making, I only did one more class, then never went back. Julieanne, not being one to give up, invited me to a scrapbooking class at her home in early 2012. My initial reaction was " what is scrapbooking?"  Well let me just say, after my first class I was hooked. I attended as many classes as I could, absorbing all  the information on all the different products that I could.

Scrapping at home on my little table, I started developing my own style. I started to venture out and did some classes at my local shop with Julieanne. Then I found online challenges, just what I needed at that time, something to challenge my scrapbooking, take me out of my comfort zone. Well then I got brave and with a little nagging from my hubby, I started submitted pages to magazines and much to my surprise they were published. Next came design teams. I still remember that feeling when I was accepted to White With 1, running around my lounge room giggling.  I think I read the email about a dozen times before it actually sank in.

Now, just recently, I have been asked to teach at the same little shop that I took classes at. What a turn around, student to teacher, WOW. My gorgeous hubby is definitely my enabler with my scrapbooking. After outgrowing my spare room, he built me this beautiful room for me to create in.

Typically how many photos do you put on a page?

I never use a single photograph bigger than a 6" x 4" or  5" x 3"  or  depending on the layout I will use several smaller photos.

If  you could only add one embellishment to your page, what would it be?

Anyone that knows my scrapbooking would be able to answer this one, FLOWERS !! I absolutely love my flowers and have a cupboard in my room that my son, Wade built for me, just for all my pretty flowers. 

What part of creating do you enjoy the most?

This was the hardest question to answer. I love adding all the embellishments but then I do love playing with different designs. I also love doing the backgrounds but I am going to say the best part of creating for me, is that very first thought, that starting point of your creation when you go " Yes, that's what I'm going to do on this page"  It all starts with a single thought of a design element, a product, an embellishment or that very special photograph.

I think that when I get the most excited, when I get that first light bulb moment and then the journey starts. I never know where layouts are going but I do know that they never end exactly the same as that first thought but that doesn't matter, it's all about the beauty of the journey for me.

What is your best piece of advise for someone just starting out in this craft?

Be true to your inner self !!

Don't be scared to try new techniques or processes, you never know you might just like them. I think all of us gravitate to a style that we like and follow those that scrap in a style that we like to do but that can be very restrictive. I like to try new techniques whether that be messy mixed media, pretty flowery shabby chic, clean lines of layers and a few embellishments, Off The Page and the list goes on. I love to follow lots of different scrappers with many different styles and ideas. It gives me more versatility to use in my own scrapbooking.

You need to find YOUR style, what ever that may be. Don't ever believe that your scrapbooking isn't right because it is, it's yours, it comes from the inner you. Always BE TRUE TO YOUR INNER SELF !!

Here are a few more of my different layouts;

If you would like to take a peek at some of my work please come visit my blog here -

Thanks for stopping by,
Carol Deal

You still have time until the end of the month to upload your take on our BLUE JEANS challenge.
All details are on the blog sidebar. We'd love to see what you can do with our wonderful colour this month.

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